Keto Minty Green Smoothie

The gorgeous verdant color of this invigorating smoothie is matched by refreshing flavor and creamy texture. Loaded with healthy spinach and a nice dose of fats, it’s one to reach for when you’re in need of a fast, light, and tasty breakfast or a pre- or post-workout snack. Need extra fat macros? Replace the almond milk with coconut milk, throw in some macadamia nuts, and add seeds as a garnish, and remember to recalculate your macros.
Serves 2 One Serving: 2 Cups

Ingredients List

Some emerging research suggests that erythritol might increase the risk of blood clots, but more studies are needed to confirm this potential link. Whether you decide to use erythritol or not, remember that all sweeteners should be consumed in moderation, and your keto diet should primarily focus on nutritious whole foods. Learn more: Erythritol Explored: Weighing the Pros and Cons.
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  • In a blender, combine all the ingredients. Blend on high until very smooth. Pour into 2 glasses and serve.

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RecipeEric Lundy

PhotographyErin Ng

1 review

  1. I used baby chard instead of spinach and half and half cream because that is what I had and only one teaspoon swerve and we liked it

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