Root Causes and Solutions For “Heart Disease and More” and “When Weight Loss Stalls”


Ivor Cummins, BE(Chem) CEng MIEI PMP

Ivor Cummins completed a Chemical Engineering degree at UCD in 1990. He has since spent over 25 years in corporate technical leadership and management positions and was shortlisted in 2015 as one of the top 6 of 500 applicants for “Irish Chartered Engineer of the Year”. Ivor’s focus and specialty is leading teams in complex problem-solving scenarios. He has often led worldwide teams with over 60-70 engineers working on major technical issues; the largest of these involved product issues where hundreds of millions of dollars were in the balance.

Several years ago, Ivor encountered a complex technical challenge in his personal life. Receiving poor blood test results, he was unable to get solutions via the doctors consulted. He thus embarked on an intense period of biochemical research into the science of human metabolism. Within eight weeks he had resolved and optimized all of his blood test metrics. Also, he had shed over 15Kg of bodyfat with relative ease. In the following years he continued his research on the many “root causes” of modern disease, from “cholesterol” through to insulin resistance. He has become a professional speaker of note, giving many public lectures and chairing interviews with worldwide health experts.

Most notably he was invited by the President of the British Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (BACPR) to give a keynote talk on heart disease root causes, at their annual conference in London last October. All of Ivor’s public lectures and interviews are available on his YouTube channel, where nearly a million views have been recorded to date. His book on chronic disease root causes and resolution strategies (co-authored with Denver doctor Jeffry Gerber MD, FAAFP) was released by a major US publisher on February 27th 2018: Eat-Rich-Live-Long.

To find Ivor Cummins online, go to: Website, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter.

Jeff Gerber, MD, FAAFP

Dr. Gerber is a board certified family physician and owner of South Suburban Family Medicine in Littleton, Colorado, where he is known as “Denver’s Diet Doctor”. He has been providing personalized healthcare to the local community since 1993 and continues that tradition with an emphasis on longevity, wellness and prevention. Nutrition and its effects on health are areas of interest for Dr. Gerber. Frustrated with spiraling healthcare costs related to the treatment of conditions like overweight, obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis and heart disease just to name a few, Dr. Gerber has been focusing on prevention and treatment programs using low-carb high fat (LCHF), Ancestral, Paleo and Primal diets to treat and prevent these chronic conditions. He maintains a database of patients, looking at weight loss and improved cardio-metabolic markers, demonstrating the benefits of these types of diets. Redefining healthy nutrition is a goal. Dr. Gerber speaks frequently about these important issues to patients, the community and other health care professionals.

Dr. Gerber trained at Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia and graduated in 1986. He completed a medical Residency in Family Medicine at Abington Memorial Hospital in 1990 and was board certified in Family Medicine in 1991. Dr. Gerber sits for the Family Medicine re-certification exam every ten years and attends continuing medical education programs on a regular basis. He is Level II certified by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment to treat work related injuries. In 2010 Dr. Gerber received the honorary Degree of Fellow, FAAFP from the AAFP for his commitment to family medicine and contributions to the local community.

To find Dr. Gerber online, go to: Website, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter.

Books & Other Material By This Speaker

Eat Rich, Live Long Mastering the Low-Carb & Keto Spectrum for Weight Loss and Longevity

In this book, Ivor Cummins, a world-class engineer and technical master for a huge global tech corporation, and Dr. Jeff Gerber, a family doctor who is widely regarded as a global leader in low-carb nutrition, team up to present their unique perspectives from their extensive clinical, medical, and scientific/research experience. Together, Cummins and Gerber crack the code that shows you how to eat the foods you enjoy, lose weight, and regain robust health. They reveal how the nutritional “experts” have gotten it so wrong for so long by demonizing healthy natural fats in our diets and focusing on cholesterol and LDL as the villains.

Diabetes Unpacked Just Science and Sense. No Sugar Coating

This book has gathered together some of the finest minds working in the field of diabetes and diet. The result is a collection of chapters by thought leaders, academics and doctors addressing the big issues. What is diabetes? What are the different types? What causes it? Who gets it? Why do we eat so much carbohydrates? Why do diabetics die of heart disease? Why do athletes commonly get Type 2 diabetes? The writers in this book approach diabetes from many different angles, but they all share one common belief: Diabetes does not need to be “chronic and progressive.” Both Type 1 and Type 2 can be substantially alleviated and the latter can be ‘put into remission.’

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