Ketogenic Therapies for Neurological and Neurodegenerative Disorders


Amy Berger, MS, CNS

Amy Berger, MS, CNS, is a U.S. Air Force veteran and Certified Nutrition Specialist who specializes in helping people do “Keto Without the Crazy”. She has a master’s degree in human nutrition and writes about a wide range of health and nutrition-related topics, such as insulin, metabolism, weight loss, diabetes, thyroid function, and more. She has presented internationally on these issues and is the author of The Alzheimer’s Antidote: Using a Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet to Fight Alzheimer’s Disease, Memory Loss, and Cognitive Decline, and The Stall Slayer: Seven Roadblocks to Keto Fat Loss and What to Do About Them.

Amy spent years doing what nutrition and health experts claimed were all the right things to lose weight and maintain optimal health but failed to experience the expected results. Wanting to understand why the conventional advice about low-calorie, low-fat dieting and lots of exercise did not lead to the promised outcomes, she began researching physiology and biochemistry and came to learn that much of what we currently believe about healthy diets is misguided, and, in many cases, downright incorrect. Having learned these lessons the hard way, she has dedicated her career to showing others that vibrant health doesn’t require starvation, deprivation, or living at the gym. Men and women cannot live by lettuce alone. Real people need real food!

Amy loves teaching people that they can lose weight, feel great, and be healthy while eating commonly forbidden – but delicious – foods, such as butter, red meat, bacon, and cheese. (And a little red wine and dark chocolate now and then don’t hurt!) You can read her blog at, where readers value her clever and humorous writing style, and her ability to translate scientific research jargon and gobbledygook into plain English.”

To Find Amy online, go to: Twitter,  Website.

Books & Other Material By This Speaker

The Alzheimer's Antidote Using a Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet to Fight Alzheimer’s Disease, Memory Loss, and Cognitive Decline

A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease in 2016 is startlingly similar to a half-century ago. Despite decades of research and millions of dollars invested in uncovering the causes and developing treatments for this devastating illness, progress has been slow, with each new “blockbuster” drug proving to be as big a disappointment as the ones that went before it. Today, an Alzheimer’s diagnosis is a death sentence.However, there may be ways to prevent, delay, and possibly even reverse the course of this crippling neurodegenerative disease. In The Alzheimer’s Antidote, Certified Nutrition Specialist Amy Berger presents a multi-pronged nutrition and lifestyle intervention to combat Alzheimer’s disease at its roots. Berger’s research shows that Alzheimer’s results from a fuel shortage in the brain: As neurons become unable to harness energy from glucose, they atrophy and die, leading to classic symptoms like memory loss and behavioral changes. The Alzheimer’s Antidote shows us that cognitive decline is not inevitable, but if it does occur, we don’t have to sit idly by and wait helplessly while it progresses and worsens. Amy Berger empowers loved ones and caregivers of Alzheimer’s sufferers and offers hope and light against this otherwise unnavigable labyrinth of darkness.

End Your Carb Confusion A Simple Guide to Customize Your Carb Intake for Optimal Health

Move from carb confusion to carb confidence!Overwhelmed by the avalanche of information out there about diets and health? Tired of spending time and money following complicated and expensive plans and protocols that don't deliver the results you want? Would a strict ketogenic diet be best for you? But what if you can't imagine life without fruit or bread? Why won't someone just make all this diet stuff simple?They have! Eric Westman, MD, has over twenty years of experience as an internal medicine doctor and obesity medicine specialist. He's helped patients at his Keto Medicine Clinic at Duke University lose over 26,000 pounds and reverse conditions like type 2 diabetes, PCOS, high blood pressure, and more. In End Your Carb Confusion, he shares his time-tested and science-backed strategy with YOU!

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