
The Hidden Peril of Oxalate Toxicity from Low-Carb Plant Foods


Sally Norton, MPH

Sally K. Norton, MPH received her BS in Nutrition from Cornell University and her Master’s in Public Health Leadership from UNC-Chapel Hill. Her life-long career in health promotion includes designing and delivering programs in the inner city; research on health issues in poor rural communities; research design; grant proposal development; research administration; educating health professionals about holistic, alternative, and integrative healing practices; and creating a guide for buying meats from local grass-based farms. She is now self-employed as a speaker and health consultant.

Sally’s most recent research and writing focuses on the health effects of dietary oxalates and the implications for recovery from oxalate toxicity through dietary changes. She regularly presents introductory seminars on low-oxalate eating. Since 2014, she has led a monthly educational study-group in Richmond, VA to support people using diet to heal and recover from health issues. In her spare time Sally gardens, and volunteers with several non-profit organizations, including the Richmond Tree Stewards.

To find Sally Norton online, go to: Website, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter.


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