
Ruddick, Mary

Dubbed the “Sherlock Holmes of Health,” Mary Ruddick is an internationally acclaimed nutritionist currently based in Africa, where she is studying traditional tribal diets and their impact on health. She is the Director of Nutrition for CaptainSoup.com, Enable Your Healing, The REIGNS Method, and the Back to Joy Program. She has been featured with the book, “Beat Autoimmune” and she can be found on several productions from GundryMD, the Food Lies, MeatRx, and the LowCarbUSA Podcast.

Mary specializes in rebalancing the microbiome by addressing nutritional and epigenetic aspects that underlie various physical and mental health disorders. She is a specialist in the field of autoimmunity, histamine intolerance (MCAD), mental disorders, and nervous system disorders to include dysautonomia, and seizure disorders.

Having used both lifestyle and dietary changes on her own miraculous healing journey, she emphasizes the balance of both. Meditation, cold therapy, light therapy, and limbic system exercises are used extensively in her programs.

To find Mary Ruddick go to: Website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube.


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