After 2.5 years of therapeutic keto, my metastatic cancer is resolved!

Published: October 09, 2023

How long have you been doing keto?
2.5 years

What motivated you to start keto?

What benefits/successes have you experienced?
After 2.5 years of a Keto therapeutic diet and Tamoxifen/Megace, my metastatic endometrial cancer in my lung and soft tissue and lymph node have resolved!

What was the hardest part?
I was already on a Mediterranean diet so the transition to plant based keto was no problem but I recently went to a ketovore diet (to improve my protein intake, iron and immunity) and went from 20 carbs per day to almost zero and now 3 weeks in, I still have diarrhea but plenty of energy. I am told the diarrhea will stop soon.

What were the keys or top tools to your success?
A purpose and goal, my lovely supportive husband, and seeing my 4 beautiful grandchildren grow up.

Did you measure your ketones and/or glucose and if so, how did that help you?
Yes, at least a couple times per day. I am staying in the GKI (Glucose Ketone Index) zone of 1 to 2 now.

What tips or words of wisdom can you share?
Stick in there if you’re just starting out. I have never felt better in my life!


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