202001aprAll Day05Obesity Medicine - Phoenix, AZ: CANCELLED

Event Details
EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLEDLearn the Benefits of Treating Obesity First at the Leading Obesity ConferenceAt the Obesity Medicine 2020 Conference this spring, shift your mindset regarding the treatment of obesity.
Event Details
Learn the Benefits of Treating Obesity First at the Leading Obesity Conference
At the Obesity Medicine 2020 Conference this spring, shift your mindset regarding the treatment of obesity. The disease of obesity is associated with hundreds of serious chronic conditions, but those complications can be addressed efficiently and effectively when you Treat Obesity First. Treating obesity at the root will help you better manage your patients’ obesity-related conditions, and it will help your patients improve their overall health for life.
The Obesity Medicine 2020 Conference is the leading medical obesity conference providing clinical obesity treatment education for physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, and other healthcare providers. With the theme of Treat Obesity First, the conference will equip you with practical strategies to address obesity on the front lines and assess, diagnose, counsel, and treat your patients with obesity more effectively.
april 1 (Wednesday) - 5 (Sunday)
Phoenix Convention Center
100 N. 3rd St.