202323sepAll DayMetabolic Flexibility: Integrative Oncology in Action

Event Details
The Nutrition Collective is hosting the world’s top experts in the field of Metabolic Flexibility: Integrative Oncology in Action. Cancer shows a high degree of metabolic flexibility
Event Details
The Nutrition Collective is hosting the world’s top experts in the field of Metabolic Flexibility: Integrative Oncology in Action.
Cancer shows a high degree of metabolic flexibility reacting to cues, and stresses in their microenvironment. In simplistic terms cancer cells have an innate ability to switch between utilising sugar or fat as a fuel source – enabling them to be metabolically flexible.
You will learn the latest research and knowledge about potential strategies you can use in your practice, understanding metabolic dependencies as a therapeutic approach to cancer care.
For more information, click here.
Use discount code KETOMOJO15 for 15% off tickets!!
All Day (Saturday) BST
Cavendish Conference Centre, London
22 Duchess Mews