I lost 25 lbs in the first 5 weeks

Published: July 21, 2021

How long have you been doing keto

Just 2 months

What motivated you to start keto?

My physician suggested it. It was needed to improve my health.

What benefits/successes have you experienced?

I joined a program called Well-Being A Tribe Planted with Purpose and lost 25 lbs in the first 5 weeks. I feel amazing.

What were the keys or top tools to your success?

Keto-Mojo has been a great tool to track my blood glucose and ketones and being part of Dr. Hull’s Well-Being program. The Keto Mojo device gives me immediate feedback and a history to see where I was and how I’m doing. I actually look forward to pricking my finger and getting my results! Even after the 12-week Well-Being program is done, I plan to keep using my Keto-Mojo device well into the future to make me accountable, so I can continue to improve how I feel. My purpose is to Feel Better – not only physically, but also mentally and my health overall. My Keto-Mojo and tracking/measuring the macronutrients I consume have been life savers.

Did you measure your ketones and/or glucose and if so, how did that help you?

Yes! Having that data is motivating because of what I am learning in my class, I know what adjustments need to be made.

What tips or words of wisdom can you share?

Go all in! Test your glucose and ketones to see what your body is telling you. Find a doctor that will support you – or join this Tribe I am part of.


Source: Eugene Barr

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