The weight dropped so fast, it was a big motivator

Published: December 17, 2021

Kathy Scott Inspiration

How long have you been doing keto?

2 months

What motivated you to start keto?

Health issues

What benefits/successes have you experienced?

I lost 20 pounds and have more energy… I feel great.

What was the hardest part?

Time spent cooking all the meals and not knowing which recipes will be good and which ones are losers. I hate to waste expensive ingredients on food I will not eat.

What were the keys or top tools to your success?

I was not given a choice of failure by doctors, but the meal plans are a big help along with the recipes.

Did you measure your ketones and/or glucose and if so, how did that help you?

I seemed to get in ketosis easily, not deeply in but into the good side. The weight dropped so fast, it was a big motivator. I just got my Keto-Mojo GK+ today.

What’s your favorite keto recipe? Please provide a link if available.

Tuscan sausage soup

What tips or words of wisdom can you share?

Find an experienced keto dieter and ask questions, lots of questions.


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