Jessica Ernst is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, specializing in using food as medicine with the ketogenic diet for children and adults with various medical conditions. Jessica received her bachelor’s degree in Dietetics from The Ohio State University and her master’s degree in nutritional sciences from the University of Cincinnati. She is a Board Certified Specialist in Pediatric Nutrition and began her career at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center in the neurology ward where she was introduced to ketogenic therapies. She spent the next 10 years as the lead ketogenic dietitian for pediatric epilepsy and grew the program by 40% to become one of the largest ketogenic diet programs in the country. Jessica is well versed in the literature on the ketogenic diet for multiple disease states and is a frequent presenter at conferences. She has also published papers which you can find here and here.
In her role as Clinical Educator for Keto-Mojo, Jessica works with health care professionals to help them understand the benefits of ketogenic therapies, the value of glucose and ketone testing for monitoring and compliance, and the ways they can integrate real-time patient data using our MyMojoHealth platform to improve health outcomes for their patients.