Every journey to better health begins somewhere, and for Dorian, that moment came in 2015 as he reclined on a sun lounger, realizing he could balance a bottle of beer on his growing belly. Weighing over 207 lbs, he felt constantly fatigued, relied on antidepressants, and exhibited nearly all the markers of metabolic syndrome. He had completely lost his mojo.
Determined to make a change, Dorian delved into research and discovered the Ketogenic Lifestyle—a science-backed approach to improving metabolic health. Alongside his wife, Gemma, he committed to the ketogenic diet, and within six months, the transformation was undeniable. He lost 47 lbs, came off all medications, and finally felt like himself again. The ketogenic lifestyle had changed his life, and he knew he wanted to help others experience the same transformation.
However, there was a significant challenge—ketone testing was expensive and inaccessible. The market was controlled by a few major players, making meters and test strips costly for those who needed them most. Dorian saw an opportunity to disrupt the industry. After months of persistence and overcoming countless obstacles, he and his team succeeded in developing an FDA-approved meter and testing strips that were more accurate, more affordable, and accessible to all. From this mission, Keto-Mojo was born.
Over the past five years, Dorian and Gemma have traveled the world, attending and speaking at global conferences, working closely with the ketogenic community to further understand the science behind metabolic health. Their commitment led to the founding of The Ketogenic Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to advancing ketogenic education, medical research, and information sharing to improve public health.
Keto-Mojo is more than just a company selling a meter—it’s a movement. Dorian’s mission is to empower people with knowledge, tools, and resources so they can take control of their health, make informed choices, and live longer, healthier lives.