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Keto Steak Kebabs

Keto Steak Kebabs

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Kebabs are a summer grilling staple, but grill-pans (and broilers!) make them awesome year-round. Plus, they’re festive to serve, quick to cook, and easy to eat. For this kebab recipe, a rich, savory low-carb marinade tenderizes the sirloin and becomes a delicious glaze as it cooks. You can change up your kebabs by swapping in cherry or grape tomatoes or cubed eggplant for some of the other veggies, make sure to recalculate the macros if you do. By the way, if some pieces of the sirloin have thin or flat edges you can double them over when threading them on the skewers; this helps ensure the meat pieces are similar size and thickness so they cook evenly.
Course: Lunch, Dinner, Kid-Friendly
Cuisine: American, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free
Servings: 6 One Serving: 1 kebab


  • metal or wooden skewers


  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 3 Tbsp tamari sauce
  • 3 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 Tbsp red wine vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp Dijon mustard
  • 1 Tbsp garlic powder
  • 1 Tbsp brown granulated erythritol-based sweetener (like Swerve)
  • 2 tsp dried Italian herb blend
  • tsp sea salt
  • 3/4 tsp freshly ground pepper
  • lb sirloin steak, cut into roughly 1-inch cubes
  • 8 oz small button mushrooms, stems removed
  • 2 small zucchinis, sliced into 2/3-inch thick rounds
  • 1 bell pepper, cut into 1-inch pieces

Some emerging research suggests that erythritol might increase the risk of blood clots, but more studies are needed to confirm this potential link. Whether you decide to use erythritol or not, remember that all sweeteners should be consumed in moderation, and your keto diet should primarily focus on nutritious whole foods. Learn more: Erythritol Explored: Weighing the Pros and Cons.


  • In a medium bowl, combine the olive oil, tamari sauce, Worcestershire sauce, red wine vinegar, Dijon mustard, garlic powder, sweetener, Italian herb blend, salt, and pepper and whisk together.
  • Place the steak and vegetables into a large plastic zip-top bag, then add the the marinade to the meat and vegetables. Seal the bag, then gently massage its contents to coat the meat with the marinade. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour, up to 6 hours.
  • Meanwhile, if you’re using wooden skewers, soak them in water.
  • Preheat your grill on high. Thread the kebabs: thread alternating pieces of marinated meat and vegetables until the skewers are filled, aiming for an even distribution on each skewer.
  • Place the kebabs on the grill directly over the heat and reduce heat to medium-high. Grill, flipping each kebab every 2 to 3 minutes, until the meat is cooked medium-rare to medium and the vegetables start to char just around the edges, 9 to 12 minutes total. Serve right away.

Nutritional Information - Macros

  • 404 Calories
  • 27 g Fat
  • 33 g Protein
  • 6 g Total Carbs
  • 2 g Fiber
  • 4 g Net Carbs