

Macarrones con Queso y Coliflor

Delicious gooey, belly-warming mac & cheese is the perfect comfort food for both kids and adults. To spice things up, try adding shredded buffalo chicken on top!
Sirve 9 Una porción: 6 oz

Lista de ingredientes

  • 24 oz cauliflower florets, fresh or frozen
  • 2 tazas de queso cheddar
  • 1/2 taza de crema de leche
  • 1/4 taza de agua
  • 4 oz queso crema
  • cucharaditas mostaza molida
  • 1 cucharaditas ajo en polvo
  • 1/2 cucharaditas Perejil
  • 1/4 cucharaditas pimienta
  • 1/2 cucharaditas salt (more or less based on preference)
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  • Place all ingredients into a crockpot and mix well. Cook on low for 3 hours stirring occasionally. 
  • Opcional: put in a casserole dish and bake at 400°F (204°C) for 10 mins for a crispy top layer!



4 evaluaciones

  1. 5 estrellas
    YUM!! This one is going on repeat. Also, added Portuguese sausage for a kick and throw back to a kid’s M&C with hotdogs. LOL!!!!!

  2. 1 estrellas
    I was so excited to try this recipe. I did not like it AT ALL! The spices just seemed all wrong, and way too much garlic. I threw it all in the trash. It was a waste of my money.

    • We are terribly sorry to hear that. Especially in light of the other reviews. Goes to show that there are different strokes for different folks. We hope you’ll try, and enjoy, another recipe from our library.

      • Agree with other reviewer. 1/2 Tbsp of Garlic Powder is way too much. Is it a typo?

        • Hi Jillian – in light of your comment and one other, we have modified the amount of garlic powder down from 1/2 TBsp to 1 tsp. Thank you for your input.

  3. 5 estrellas
    I found this recipe in my email and decided to give it a try! The picture looked just like Mac b cheese from afar! I am so delighted that I decided to make this dish! As you can see it is simple and chances are you probably already have the ingredients! You guys! This taste better than Mac n cheese and what is better is it is keto healthy! My mother tasted before I did and I thought she was exaggerating! She was not! This will definitely be a dish I remember and make often! Thanks Keto-Mojo !

    • How nice of you to share this. So glad it’s one of your new favorites.

  4. 5 estrellas
    I love this one! I’ve made it a bunch of times. I like to add bacon and I prefer sharp cheddar in mine. You can play with different types of cheese.


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